

Sport and exercise have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I fell in love with swimming the first time I jumped in a pool and have done it ever since, both for fitness and competing at university, where I studied Sport, Coaching and Physical Education. 

During my degree I was introduced to strength training, and have barely put a barbell down since! Strength training provided a new challenge for me both physically and mentally, helping me to achieve things I’d never have thought I could do. As well as being physically so much stronger, I became so much more resilient and confident-both in and out of the gym. I believe that everyone deserves to experience these benefits that training provides, so decided to complete my level 2 & 3 personal training qualification in my last year of uni so that I could help others do so. 

My training naturally became more focused on increasing strength in the 3 compound movements; squat, bench press and deadlift, and so I completed my British Powerlifting level 1 coaching qualification to further my knowledge in this area. 

I hope to help more people experience the rewards of exercise and I love to see my clients grow and realise how capable they are physically and mentally, and how this translates into their everyday lives. 

Contact Milly