Running Workshop


Enhance your running experience with our comprehensive workshop, designed to elevate your performance through the areas of optimum nutrition, mobalisation practice, and strength training strategies.

Join us for an immersive day of learning with three expert coaches, Jess, Sasha, and David,  each specialising in a crucial aspect of running:

What you will learn on the day:

  • Nutrition (Coach Jess): Discover how to power your runs with tailored nutritional strategies, encompassing pre-race preparation, mid-race fuelling, and post-race recovery.

  • Mobility(Coach David): Gain insights into techniques to help your mobility and motor control, significantly benefiting your running technique.

  • Strength Training (Coach Sasha): Understand the physical demands of running and how strength training can fortify your resilience and improve your endurance.

Details of the event:

  • Upcoming Date: Saturday, 18th May.

  • Future Dates: Saturday 27th July, Saturday 28th September, Saturday 23rd November

  • Time: 1pm - 5pm

  • Capacity: 16. Group will split into two (8 each) for practical sessions.

  • What to Expect: Our balanced approach combines insightful theory with practical application, ensuring you leave with valuable knowledge and actionable techniques.

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